Assess Where You Are and Learn the Principles of Stewardpreneurship


A person that leverages their God-given talents, passions and resources to serve and create lasting impact in people, businesses and their communities“.

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Introduction to Stewardpreneurship

Gain access to 3 fundamental courses and assessment from the Kingdom Factor Operating System. The Kingdom Factor Operating System will provide you with a comprehensive plan to help you address the tension you feel – reconciling the difference between what others see, what you are really feeling, and what God truly wants for your life and business.

What’s Inside

10 Questions Every Christian Business Leader Should Address

As business leaders, and frankly as human beings, our past experiences (both good and bad), play an incredibly important role in our leadership capacity and style today. In this powerfully valuable exercise, you will Identify your past and your life journey- and how the “peaks” and “valleys” of your life continue to influence your life and leadership today.

As Christians in leadership within our companies and organizations, on a daily basis we face the tension of leading in a Christ-honoring, Biblically based way, in a world that is so often “dog eat dog” survival of the fittest.  In this content session, we will explore, learn, and discuss three potential views of Business that we as Christians can have, and how we can either do and see business as the world does, or we can approach it as Jesus would have us- The three views of Business are: 

  1. Secular Entrepreneur
  2. Non-Biblical Christian
  3. Kingdom Focused Entrepreneur

Many Christian Business Leaders struggle when it is time to have a difficult, or “crucial” conversation. This segment provides a Biblical and practical process in how to frame up the conversation that will be hard to have

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Josh will inspire you every Thursday with real-life motivation that comes from his own life. Each week Josh dives into relatable topics, gives advice, spotlights others and provides tools and inspiration to help you find balance and ensure you never lose sight of what truly matters.